Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board (UNMEB) is a semi-autonomous Government body that was established in December 2005 by Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) with a cardinal objective of streamlining, regulating and coordinating examinations and awards for Nurses and Midwives in Uganda. This followed Government restructuring policy where all departmental schools were transferred to MoES with the intention of streamlining training Programmes in the country.
The training of health workers was identified to fall within the core business of MoES. The Nursing and Midwifery assessment is defined in the Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (BTVET) Act No. 12 of 2008 and operationalised by Statutory Instrument No. 4 of 2009; these being the appropriate laws that gave a legal basis for the establishment of the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board (UNMEB) and also, spelt out its core mandate of regulating the conduct of National examinations for Nurses and Midwives.
A number of activities that form UNMEB business include though not limited to the following:-
- Test Item development and training
- Moderation of the test items
- Production and packaging of question papers
- Delivery of the examinations to examination centres
- Storage of examination question papers and answer scripts
- Production of answer booklets
- Supervision and invigilation of exams
- Collection of students’ answer scripts
- Marking
- Compilation
- Statistical analysis of examination results
- Release of results. and
- Evaluation and feedback.
- Accreditation of examination Centres
- Production of clinical assessment tools for practical skills acquisition.
- Training of Mentors and Preceptors on the above tools.
- Conduct of promotional exams for all nursing and midwifery students at certificate and diploma level.
- Conduct of pre-state final examinations for students enrolled in new schools.
Given the cross-cutting nature of UNMEB’s work, the accomplishment of our tasks hinges on various contributions from stakeholders. UNMEB Stakeholders include government departments, the private sector and development partners responsible for provision of health education.
For a successful conduct of our business, UNMEB attaches great importance to its stakeholders. As a result the Board has had a number of meetings with its stakeholders to discuss, share and agree on matters concerning nursing education. In such fora, stakeholders are sensitized about UNMEB’s mandate, their various roles as stakeholders in matters of examinations and relevant issues pertaining to strengthening collaboration.
GOAL | |
To be a reputable, effective and innovative Board that conducts quality examinations and Award credible Diplomas and Certificates in Nursing and Midwifery profession
To manage and administer quality examinations using skilled examiners and Award credible Diplomas and Certificates to successful candidates in the Nursing and Midwifery profession for improving human resource for health. |
To establish UNMEB as a reputable and efficient Examination Board for Nurses and Midwives. |